TCIA Accredited Tree Services in Aurora, OH

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Why Choose Us?

Our experienced tree care professionals hold certifications and licenses from several arborist and professional tree care organizations. Our qualifications include:

ISA-certified arborists

Certified Tree Care Safety Professionals (CTSP)

ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ)

TCIA Accreditation

Full licensing and insurance for tree work

Request a Free Quote

Give us a call at 440-564-1374 or click below to set up a time for us to inspect your trees for a free estimate.

At Independent Tree, we’re proud to support our neighbors’ efforts to preserve trees on their property. We offer a wide range of tree services in Aurora, OH, including tree trimming, insect pest identification, disease prevention, tree and shrub fertilization, and emergency tree removal if a tree poses a hazard to nearby people or structures.

Our staff includes ISA-certified arborists, Treecare Safety Professionals, certified pesticide applicators, and ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (TRAQ) professionals. We follow strict industry standards for tree care and use only organic and all-natural sprays for insect and disease treatment.

Call Today at 440-465-1347

See what our customers are saying about us on our customer reviews page and call us at 440-564-1374 to request an estimate.

What to Expect When You Hire Independent Tree

We’re the home-grown tree experts. When you call us for tree care, our arborists will inspect your trees for signs of damage, illness, or infestation. We can then develop a strategy for tree trimming, yard pest management for mosquito and tick control, and disease treatment and prevention. When you choose us for tree services in Aurora, OH, you’re choosing the arboricultural leaders in your community.

We commit to improving community knowledge of the benefits of healthy trees through:

  • Volunteering
  • Education
  • Standards
  • Support
  • Sustainability

Our Aurora Tree Services


Tree Health Management

When a new customer calls to schedule their first appointment, we begin by inspecting their trees and performing a soil test to determine whether their trees are getting the appropriate nutrients. We will look for signs of pests or diseases, as well as identify structural issues like overcrowding or unstable branch support.

We can then make a tree care plan, including regular tree trimming, cabling and bracing for weak limbs, insect pest identification, disease treatment for active infections, and disease prevention to reduce the possibility of an infection spreading to healthy trees nearby. We also create a schedule for tree and shrub fertilization and soil amendments for the continued health of the trees on your property.

Tree Pruning and Trimming

Regularly pruning your trees is one of the most important aspects of tree care. Tree pruning allows us to manage the size, shape, and weight of your trees so your trees stay healthy, resist infection or infestation by diseases or pests, and so you don’t need to call for emergency tree service or storm damage clean-up due to high winds or heavy ice and snow.

Benefits of regular tree trimming include:

  • Preventing trees from rubbing on roofs, growing into power lines or utilities, or blocking walkways or roads
  • Improving the aesthetic appeal of the tree
  • Giving more structural integrity to the tree
  • Removing infections in branches before they spread to the rest of the tree

Disease Treatment and Prevention

One of our arborists will inspect your trees for signs of any of the common tree diseases in Northeast Ohio, including:

We can then develop a targeted formula to spray just for the active infections on your property with our all-natural disease treatment ingredients, as well as develop a disease prevention strategy to protect the healthy trees on your property.

  • Pruning and Trimming

  • Tree and Shrub Planting

  • Structural Support

  • Emergency Service

  • Tree Removal

  • Insect & Disease Management

  • Fertilization & Soil Improvement

Google logo.

Independent Tree has been taking care of our trees for several years. They have done pruning, trimming, and fertilization. They have knowledgeable arborists who come out. They tell you what is wrong and offer a solution. Their teams are always professional, clean up, and are good at what they do! We have been pleased with their services.

Susan Miller

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Did You Know?

Aurora has been a “Tree City USA” since 1992 and has won the Growth Award for 11 years running, gaining national recognition for its street tree program. If you have a street tree on your property in the city easement, you can contact the City Arborist for any problems or questions about your street tree.

Why We Love Aurora, OH

Aurora is a beautiful city to live and work in. We enjoy providing top-quality tree services in Aurora, OH, as well as visiting on our days off. Some of our favorite places to see include:

Google logo.

We found the Independent Tree crew to be reliable and professional. Alan knows his trees and how to care for them. A great company to work with.

Carol Gardner


Insect Pest Prevention and Treatment

If your trees or shrubs aren’t as healthy as they should be, you could have an insect infection by harmful species like aphids, borer beetles, leaf miners, or weevils. We can inspect your trees for insect pest identification and spray a targeted organic formula for pest control.

Tree & Shrub Fertilization

We start every assessment with a soil test. Soil nutrients and density are key factors in ensuring that your trees and shrubs get what they need to grow into strong individuals with lush foliage. Once we determine which nutrients your soil is missing or if your soil is too compact, we can develop a plan for tree and shrub fertilization and soil amendments with organic materials.

If your tree roots need help developing fine root hairs that absorb water and nutrients, we can also apply a plant growth regulator treatment to encourage root growth.

Mosquito & Tick Control

The warm months bring out ticks, mosquitos, fleas, and other disease-carrying organisms. We can spray organic and all-natural mosquito and tick control treatments once a month for six months beginning in May to control the populations and repel new individuals for up to four weeks at a time.

Tree Removal & Stump Grinding

When we can’t save a tree, we offer professional tree removal by our experienced climbers. Our experienced professionals can scale the tree and cut it down into pieces using the appropriate safety equipment. We can also perform tree removal with a crane for large trees or when removing storm-damaged trees that were broken or knocked down due to high winds or heavy snow or ice.

Request an Estimate

At Independent Tree, our arborists will inspect your trees for signs of damage, instability, infection, or infestation and determine how best to address your concerns for trees on your property. Call us today at 440-276-0785 or contact us online to schedule tree services in Aurora, OH.